We are just short of being home two weeks and Josie has met a lot of new people and tried a lot of new things. She is such a joy and continues to make everyone fall in love with her. She is very affectionate and full of hugs and kisses once she gets comfortable.
She is also showing a little bit of the behavior we were expecting during the transition......some sadness, some tears and some withdrawal. We cannot imagine all she is feeling and trying to process. She is having a little more trouble at bedtime and sometimes wakes up scared. She has also had a couple incidents of withdrawal and tears during the day. We give her some reassurance and space and after a little bit of time she is back to her old self again. She really is an amazing little girl! We will never know all that she endured before God placed her in our family but we do know that she is a strong, loving, very special daughter and we cannot wait to see all that God has planned for her.
Her brothers are helping out so much and are patient with her when she is trying new things. They set up a "water slide" and also helped her at the playground. She LOVES her big brothers!
Please continue to keep Josie in your prayers as she adjusts to her new family and life. She is learning new English words every day but is still pretty quiet a lot of the time. I am excited for her to be able to tell us what's going through her mind.