Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Cousin Trey reading me a book.
Now it's Cousin Drew's turn.

Cousin Casey playing with "Cinnamon and Sugar".

Cousin Lauren snuggling with "Sugar and Cinnamon".

Noah, Josie and Jackson in the hot tub and Uncle Aaron and Aunt Emily's house.

"Sugar and Cinnamon" - Teya and Josie

Josie and Cousin Oliver feeding Baby Alive.

Aunt Katie helping Josie take care of Baby Alive.

Trent and Josie playing with Cousin Maggie.

The Beautiful Borgmann girl cousins - Maggie, Sylvie, Izzy and Josie.

All the Klinghagen grandkids with grandma and grandpa.

The Borgmann Family!

Josie and Jackson - so cute!

Josie and Trent making Christmas cookies.

Those Borgmann kiddos - Trent and Josie doing their "China pose".
What a wonderful "first" Christmas we had with Josie. We were able to spend it with the entire Borgmann and Klinghagen families. I love this time of year and this year was extra special because Josie was with us! Honestly, this little girl is the joy of our lives. I am so thankful for all the love and support that's been given to us and Josie. She is surrounded by love everywhere she goes. This has been an amazing year. I can't wait to see what happens next!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Our little Star!

Last night was Josie's Christmas program for her school. She was SO excited! I wasn't sure if she would be scared after she got up on stage in front of all those people but guess what? She wasn't scared at all. She sang her little heart out up on that stage and looked like an angel doing it!

She continues to amaze us!! Can you believe that Wednesday is our 6 month post placement visit? It seems like she's been with us since the day she was born. She thinks so too. She's been talking about Baby Jesus and how cute he is. Then she'll say "mommy, remember when I was a baby and you would say......look at her, she's so cute?" Yes peanut, I remember!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Okay, okay.......

Okay, so I don't update my blog very often. I know, I know. Our lives just aren't that exciting but okay, MA, I will at least give you some new pictures to look at.

Josie is doing so great! Her newest thing is "why", "why", "why".......does anyone remember this with their toddler? Well, I guess it also happens when you're 5 but learning a new language.

She has quickly learned what a few new words mean in the last couple months.........words like "trick or treat" and "Christmas lists". You know, very important words for a 5 year old. She also showed us that she LOVES to fish. It is definitely not a new activity for her. She knows what she's doing. She can put the worm on the hook and even reel it in. She was also very aware that when the trees change and begin losing leaves, the snow isn't far behind. Every day she would ask, "snow comin' yet?" and when we would say "not yet", then she would start with "why?".

Another exciting event for our family happened on Halloween. Jackson's Junior Midget football team won the EVW championship. This is the first time this has happened in this community so it was a huge deal! The boys on the team agreed to shave their heads if they won and Noah joined in just for fun. It was quite a sight watching all the boys get their heads shaved on Halloween night. Great memories!!

Enjoy the photos.....

Thursday, October 21, 2010

One Year Ago Today!

One year ago today, the most precious face appeared in our inbox and has now changed our lives forever. I never imagined how this one decision would so dramatically change everything. This little girl has changed us, all of us, for the better!

I watch the boys with her and I see their love, their patience, their tenderness. I watch Ben and I see gentleness and love. She has added a JOY that I cannot explain but am so, so thankful for.

I know that God chose her for us and that we are blessed beyond belief. We love you Josie! Thank you for being our precious little Peanut!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Our Little Girl is 5!

It's hard to believe this sweet little girl has only been with us for 3 months. She is such a huge part of our family and acts as though she's always been here. Her English is wonderful. She understands almost everything we say and is putting together sentences on her own. She also LOVES to sing and can be found singing her ABC's or Twinkle, Twinkle or various other "kid" tunes throughout the day. She absolutely LOVES preschool and can't wait to get there.

Our biggest event to date was her 5th Birthday on September 10th! She was SOOOOO excited for weeks leading up to it and hopefully we did not disappoint. We had a true DORA birthday party for her. She was bouncing off the walls and was more wound up than I've ever seen her. Pure Joy coming from this child! She could hardly contain herself.

We had a beautiful day for the party and she was surrounded by family that loves her tons. Of course, she was spoiled with lots of presents but the reward was a "thank you" and hug from Josie. She was very polite and willing. She is a very special little "peanut" and we LOVE her more than we ever thought possible. Happy Birthday!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Home 8 Weeks!

We have been home for 8 weeks with Josie and she is adjusting so well! She is sleeping better except for the occasional night terror. She is eating better although we are still trying to put some more weight on her. She really is an incredible little girl and we feel so lucky that God chose us to be her family!

Last weekend we went to Ben's parents cabin and Josie was able to tube for the first time. She LOVED it!

Next week the boys go back to school and we are also planning for Josie to start preschool. We will see how she does. If she doesn't want to go, we won't force it so we'll see. Either way, Josie and I will be having more mommy/daughter alone time!

I am including a variety of pictures. Some of them will show her newly discovered LOVE of ice cream! Some of them show the beautiful outfits my niece Michenzie had made for her and cousin Teya in Africa and some of them show our time at the cabin. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Life with a GIRL!

Josie and I are both experiencing new things. Everything is new to Josie and having a girl around is new to me. I LOVED having boys and never even longed for a girl. People would always ask......."are you going for a girl?". I honestly never thought I was missing out on anything. I just wanted one of our children to have their dad's beautiful black hair and brown eyes. Well, guess what? Josie gave us that beautiful black hair and brown eyes but she also given us the joy of having a girl.
See, what I didn't realize is that girls are very different to raise. She LOVES shopping, she LOVES cooking, she even LOVES cleaning! She really is the opposite of what I remember about our boys at this age. She likes to color, cut, draw and use her fine motor skills. The boys just wanted to run, kick, shoot, and use their gross motor skills. It really is different but it's a lot of fun!
Now for the fun stuff, I am including our first family pic! I can't believe it took us more than a month to take a pic with our new, larger family! We took Josie to Oceans of Fun with our friends the Millers and we had an AWESOME time. I am also including some of Josie cooking and feeding the chickens. Is she the sweetest little cowgirl ever?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Almost One Month Home!

Well, I can't believe we've been home almost a month already. It has gone by fast but it also seems like Josie has been a part of our lives forever. Someone asked me the other day if it feels like she's my daughter or if it still feels like we're babysitting. Well guys, this little girl is our daughter! I know it doesn't always happen this quickly but I can honestly say that she is 100% our daughter and part of this Borgmann family. We love her with all our heart and are settling in nicely!
I do want to be realistic about the challenges we've been facing. The entire time we were in China, Josie slept like an angel and really behaved like an angel in every way. Since we've been home, this has changed a little. She is still a joy but is definitely testing the limits. She is strong willed and does have an opinion about things. She has decided that she will not take a nap most days and will go to bed when everyone else sooner. Her eating has also changed. We are struggling with this daily and trying to find things she will eat. She has lost 1 1/2 lbs in the last couple weeks so we are really trying to push the food. She likes to pout and refuse to answer if she doesn't get her way but overall, she is pretty easy.

Her English is coming along and she understands a lot of what we say. She doesn't freely use her own words but will repeat what we say or name things if we work with her. She is pretty quiet in general so I'm sure that will all change soon. Tonight she was working at something until she finally got it. She then said "there we go". It was so cute!
She experienced her first trip to the cabin and LOVED the boat. She was sporting her new sunglasses and looked so stinkin' cute!

Her favorite "American" thing so far is Dora. She LOVES Dora. She also likes Diego. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that she now LOVES Griffey. Most of the time when she talks on her own, it's because she's talking to or about Griffey.

I should also mention that I am SO proud of the boys. They are all wonderful with Josie and love her to pieces. I love watching their relationships blossom.
I need to download some more wonderful pictures and post them. She has met so many friends and family members and loves them all. Those pictures will be coming soon.