Okay since some of you are new to our story I'll start at the beginning and add a little every day. This all started when my sister Tammy, my mom, my niece Lauren and I attended a Steven Curtis Chapman concert in Fremont, NE on July 13, 2008. If there is anyone out there who is not familiar with him, his music or his story; I would highly recommend reading up on him. He is a Christian artist and also a HUGE advocate for international adoption.
At the time of the concert, I was perfectly content with my life. I had a great husband, 3 great boys (Noah, Jackson and Trent) who were now old enough to take care of themselves and I was just coasting through life. But God had other plans. He planted a seed in my heart that night of the concert. For the first time in my life, I began thinking about adopting. I tried, believe me I tried to get it out of my mind. A week or two went by and I began doing some research. Immediately the time and money involved were overwhelming. We couldn't do this right? Well, God would not let us off that easy. I ordered an informational packet from a few adoption agencies and didn't say anything to anyone.
I read the packets, watched the videos and decided it was time to talk to Ben. Okay, let me just say, I did not think Ben was going to be open to this idea. Then, I could forget it, right? Wrong!! Ben was immediately open to it and excited about it!! So, okay God, HERE WE GO.........